Saturday, November 1, 2014

"Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage" -Immanuel Kant

    The 21st century is the information age where data is constantly being uploaded, tweeted, and shared. To what extent are we assessing the information given to us. What Is Enlightenment ? written by Immanuel Kant in 1784 describes the state of man during that period. It states that for reasons such as laziness or lack of courage man accepts what is given to them as truth. Nor do they use their own reasoning to form their own understanding. Now 2014 America has evolved and has accomplished great freedoms that did not exist in 1784. With that being said is the mind set of man as advanced as we'd like to hope. Does each and every American use their freedom to question, or go in search of truth, or do we take what is delivered in the news at face value. Throughout my blog I will explore the ideals of the enlightenment and how they relate in context to the time period it was written compared to 21st century American life.  

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